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International Affairs Forum
IAF Articles: Economics

31-60 IAF Articles articles displayed
for the Economics Topic

Let’s Acknowledge Inflation Reduction Act’s Significance — and Its Inadequacy
Let’s Acknowledge Inflation Reduction Act’s Significance — and Its Inadequacy

In this interview, Prof. Robert Pollin examines the Inflation Reduction Act and current U.S. inflation issues. By C.J. Polychronou. (08/10/2022)


National Cryptocurrencies: A step away
National Cryptocurrencies: A step away

Analyzing scenarios for insitututing national cryptocurrencies.  By Dr. Ehab Khalifa. (06/08/2022)


Sustainable Development Through Microfinance: Uplifting the Poor Through Financial Inclusion
Sustainable Development Through Microfinance: Uplifting the Poor Through Financial Inclusion

An analysis of microfinance and it's goals.  By Akshat Juneja. (07/23/2021)


IMF: Criticism and Compliments
IMF: Criticism and Compliments

Paper analyzes pros and cons of the IMF.  By Jean Vilbert. (06/17/2021)


A Path to Global Economic Prosperity: Economic Freedom
A Path to Global Economic Prosperity: Economic Freedom

Author discusses effects of economic freedom on economic growth and prosperity, as well as its positive effects on economic progress and success. By Renyu Gu. 05/13/2021


A Moderated Handshake: Bilateralism, Agricultural Trade Liberalization, and the WTO
A Moderated Handshake: Bilateralism, Agricultural Trade Liberalization, and the WTO

Essay addresses: what current trade reform compromise could the WTO reach to alleviate the effects of agricultural trade policies on developing countries?  By Adeola Egbeyemi. (01/15/2021... Read More...

The G20 2020 Riyadh Summit
The G20 2020 Riyadh Summit

Paper analyzes the recent G20 2020 Riyadh Summit. By Dr. Sohail Mahmood. 11/08/2020


A Controversial Barrier: The Trade War between the U.S. and China
A Controversial Barrier: The Trade War between the U.S. and China

Analyzing effects of the U.S.-China trade war. By Cihan Sahin. (10/15/2020)


Sustainable Industrial Transformation for a healthier future in Indonesia
Sustainable Industrial Transformation for a healthier future in Indonesia

A look at Indonesia's success story.  By Dr. Wolfram Kalt.  (07/30/2020)


IA Forum - The Post-Pandemic World
IA Forum - The Post-Pandemic World

In the latest issue of International Affairs Forum, experts from around the world examine aspects of a post-Pandemic globe. 07/21/2020


Sustainability Politics of Major Oil Producing Countries
Sustainability Politics of Major Oil Producing Countries

Article analyzes the dynamics of international political economy through the energy policies of the three major competitive players viz Saudi Arabia, Russia and USA.By Aneetta Thomas Peedikayi... Read More...

Economic reforms in Azerbaijan: new platform for public-private dialogue
Economic reforms in Azerbaijan: new platform for public-private dialogue

Economic reforms in Azerbaijan look promising for its economic development, sustainability and attracting FDI.  By Dr. Shaig Adigozalov. (09/16/2019)


The Effectiveness of World Trade Organization in Global Trade Governance
The Effectiveness of World Trade Organization in Global Trade Governance

Essay examines whether the WTO is an effective instrument of global trade governance. By Karen Woo.  (10/04/2018)


Examining the Discontents of Nigeria’s Worsening Budget Crisis
Examining the Discontents of Nigeria’s Worsening Budget Crisis

What has caused the Nigerian budget crises?  And how to arrest it? By Chambers Umezulike. (08/04/2018)


Effect of Low Oil Prices
Effect of Low Oil Prices

This paper discusses the effect of low oil price on Nigeria as an oil dependent economy. By Brian Ezeonu. 07/09/2018


Data Science Reveals NAFTA’s Problem: and it’s not what you think
Data Science Reveals NAFTA’s Problem: and it’s not what you think

A data science analysis of NAFTA and its surprising results. By Dr. Kayvan Miri Lavassani. (06/18/2018)


An Everyday Approach to Political Economics
An Everyday Approach to Political Economics

What is political economics? An overview. By Traci J. Seltzer. (11/17/2017)


Economic Nationalism and Liberalism: realities in the global political economy
Economic Nationalism and Liberalism: realities in the global political economy

Essay explores the apparent contradictory co-existence of free trade and protectionism in the international political economy. By Karen Ka Luan Woo. (09/07/2017)


Preferential Trade Agreements: Advancing or Undermining Global Free Trade?
Preferential Trade Agreements: Advancing or Undermining Global Free Trade?

Essay examines PTAs, their impact, and future. By Mairi Robertson. (08/22/2017)


Rehabilitating Vulnerable, Weak and Failing Economies
Rehabilitating Vulnerable, Weak and Failing Economies

Examination of revitalizing problematic economies in MENA countries By Nathir Haimoun. (07/26/2017)


Climate Policy and the G20 Agenda: The Opportunities & Limitations in Ensuring a Sustainable Future
Climate Policy and the G20 Agenda: The Opportunities & Limitations in Ensuring a Sustainable Future

Essay explores the capabilities of the G20 to promote climate policy. By Eleanor Klausmeyer. (06/12/2017)


The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): An Analysis of the External Challenges
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): An Analysis of the External Challenges

Explores external factors and challenges presented to the CPEC effort. By Dr. Sohail Mahmood. (05/18/2017)


The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): The Political Economy Analyzed
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): The Political Economy Analyzed

Analysis of CPEC and its implications to the political economy. By Dr. Sohail Mahmood. (05/08/2017)


Has economic globalization worsened the situation of the third world countries?
Has economic globalization worsened the situation of the third world countries?

Economic gobalization: The other side of the coin. By Jibraan Mansoor. (03/20/2017)


Advocating for a Regulatory Framework for Sustainable Microfinance Systems
Advocating for a Regulatory Framework for Sustainable Microfinance Systems

The lessons from Bolivia and the Philippines. By Daiki Mochizuki. (03/19/2017)


Brazil’s Locomotive Breath
Brazil’s Locomotive Breath

The Petrobras scandal is changing the equilibrium of powers in the Latin “China”. By Nicola Bilotta. (01/16/20116)


The Nature of Mega-regional Trade Agreements in International Political Economy
The Nature of Mega-regional Trade Agreements in International Political Economy

Essay examines three different dimensions of the nature of mega-trade deals. By Sinko Gabor. (12/22/2016)


Trade Policy is Foreign Policy
Trade Policy is Foreign Policy

A case study into how the TPP could help achieve U.S. policy objectives for food security. By Benjamin Jones. (12/20/2016)


Boiling Frogs of the ASEAN
Boiling Frogs of the ASEAN

Chinese economic and military power strategies in the South China Sea.  By Eric Szandzik. (12/16/2016)


DMCA Abuse: How corporations are using US copyright law to harass and silence individuals
DMCA Abuse: How corporations are using US copyright law to harass and silence individuals

How are Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown notices being used?  By Prof. Murray Hunter. (09/29/2016)


1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-167

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