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IAF Articles: Middle East/Caucasus: Middle East

31-60 IAF Articles articles displayed
for the Middle East/Caucasus/Middle East Region

Foreign policy analysis on President Trump’s decision to withdraw from northern Syria in 2019
Foreign policy analysis on President Trump’s decision to withdraw from northern Syria in 2019

Paper outlines a foreign policy analysis on President Trump's decision to withdraw from northern Syria in 2019.  By Fatma Tawfik. (01/29/2020)


Chad’s Tactical Alliance with Israel: Will Sudan follow?
Chad’s Tactical Alliance with Israel: Will Sudan follow?

Can relations between Sudan and Israel be restored?  An analysis and outlook.  By Eline Rosenhart. (03/19/2019)


Why a Divided Syria is in Turkey’s Interest
Why a Divided Syria is in Turkey’s Interest

The PKK in Turkey, its history and future. By Tuna Tangör . (03/04/2019)


The Syrian Civil War: Analysis of Recent Developments
The Syrian Civil War: Analysis of Recent Developments

Essay examines current situation in the Syrian Civil War. By Dr. Sohail Mahmood. (04/27/2018)


Rehabilitating Vulnerable, Weak and Failing Economies
Rehabilitating Vulnerable, Weak and Failing Economies

Examination of revitalizing problematic economies in MENA countries By Nathir Haimoun. (07/26/2017)


Far Greater Game in Syria: wide range of actors and perennial clash of interests
Far Greater Game in Syria: wide range of actors and perennial clash of interests

The conflict in Syria can be coined the 'Far Greater Game.' What does it mean for the involved parties?  By Otabek Akromov. (07/23/2017)


Hamas Still Hamas
Hamas Still Hamas

An analysis of the state of Hamas, through interpreting the Document of General Principles and Policies issued by Hamas in 2017. By Prof. Mohammed Al-Azdee. (05/23/2017)


IA Forum Interview: Nadia AlZeabot, Kuwait Oil Company
IA Forum Interview: Nadia AlZeabot, Kuwait Oil Company

Nadia AlZeabot (Kuwait Oil Company), session leader at this month's Association for Strategic Planning Annual ... Read More...

What Factors Have Perpetuated Instability in Yemen?
What Factors Have Perpetuated Instability in Yemen?

Parper examines destabilizing factors plaguing Yemen. By Austin Rock. (01/24/2017) 


End of nuclear monopoly, Israeli dreams for regional hegemony?
End of nuclear monopoly, Israeli dreams for regional hegemony?

Would the rise of a nuclear Iran restore regional balance and hinder Israel’s hegemonic moves? By Arslan Ayan. (11/30/2016)


A Safe Haven or Route for New Conflict
A Safe Haven or Route for New Conflict

Analyis of Safe Haven, an explicit favoring of one religion/ ethnic group against another in the face of atrocities committed by ISIS. By Mustafa Akhwand. (09/30/2016)


MENA Region: Colonial Dependence versus Regional Interdependence
MENA Region: Colonial Dependence versus Regional Interdependence

MENA colonial historial must be understood to gain a proper understanding of its current circumstances. By Dr. Bendebka Ramzi. (09/05/2016)


Examination of Saudi-Iranian relations and their potential impact on the Middle East. By Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman. (08/28/2016)


Iran, Saudi Arabia and Mideast Peace
Iran, Saudi Arabia and Mideast Peace

An examination of Iranian-Saudi relations and what they mean for the Middle East peace process. By Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman . (08/28/2016)


Terror Incidents and the Syrian Dilemma in International Affairs
Terror Incidents and the Syrian Dilemma in International Affairs

A proposal for a random-based federalized solution to the problem. By Prof. Dr. Matthias Klumpp. (07/01/2016)


Non equilibrium Thermodynamics and Reinventing Saudi Arabia
Non equilibrium Thermodynamics and Reinventing Saudi Arabia

Thermodynamics, energy, and reforming Saudi Arabia. By Jack Pearce. (05/31/2016)


Divided by Common Alignment: Jordan and GCC States in the Arab Winter Divided by Common Alignment
Divided by Common Alignment: Jordan and GCC States in the Arab Winter Divided by Common Alignment

Isolating the Gulf region from normal international relations isn't the answer. By Dr. Jack Kalpakian. (04/27/2016)


The Likely War Between Iran and Saudi Arabia
The Likely War Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

Analysis of dynamics between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and a call to rebuild a status quo in the Middle East, with the help of the Russian Federation and the United States. By Profe... Read More...

Middle East: Inching Towards a Sectarian Political Order?
Middle East: Inching Towards a Sectarian Political Order?

Essay examines sectarianism in the Middle East.  By Dr. Mohammed Nuruzzaman. (12/08/2015)


The Shooting Down of the Russian Plane
The Shooting Down of the Russian Plane

What are the ramifications of the shooting down of a Russian plane by Turkey? By Prof. Giancarlo Elia Valori. (12/04/2015)


The Turkey Issue
The Turkey Issue

An examination of Turkey, after the elections.  By Professor Giancarlo Elia Valori. (11/12/2015)


Over 700 Die in Stampede During Pilgrimage
Over 700 Die in Stampede During Pilgrimage

Q&A about recent stampede during a pilgramage in Mecca.  (09/30/2015, Gistory)


100 Prisoners Were Pardoned in Egypt. Who Are They?
100 Prisoners Were Pardoned in Egypt. Who Are They?

Who were among the 100 prisoners recently pardoned and released by Egypt, and why did it happen?  (10/02/2015, Read More...

For Members Only – Caspian Basin
For Members Only – Caspian Basin

What impacts are there from a major decision made at the IV Caspian Summit? By Megan Munoz. (www.moderndiplomacy.eu, 09/01/2015)


Interview: Said Yousif AlMuhafdah, Bahrain Centre for Human Rights,
Interview: Said Yousif AlMuhafdah, Bahrain Centre for Human Rights,

Said Yousif AlMuhafdah (Bahrain Centre for Human Rights) discusses capital punishment issues in Bahrain,(08/20/2015)


The Turkey and US 'Safe Zone' Plan: 3 Questions with Yezid Sayigh, Carnegie Middle East Center
The Turkey and US 'Safe Zone' Plan: 3 Questions with Yezid Sayigh, Carnegie Middle East Center

Yezid Sayigh of the Carnegie Middle East Center discusses the recent Turkish-U.S. plan to create a 'safe zone' in Syria. (08/18/2015)


Middle East Defense Spending Fuels Security Dilemma
Middle East Defense Spending Fuels Security Dilemma

MENA defense spending is expected reach $920 billion despite low oil prices. Is longer-term trend of spending risks instigating an unsettling arms race? By Madeleine Moreau. (Read More...

The Muslim Brotherhood and Their Relationship with Iran
The Muslim Brotherhood and Their Relationship with Iran

A historical examination of the Muslim Brotherhood's relationship with Iran. By Mohammed Salama.  (01/16/2015)


Jordan-Israel Energy Deal Faces Public Opposition
Jordan-Israel Energy Deal Faces Public Opposition

With a struggling economy, Jordan must strike a careful balance between controversial energy deals and meaningful public appeasement. (Read More...

China-Egypt Partnership Fraught With Political Risk
China-Egypt Partnership Fraught With Political Risk

Egypt is aggressively courting China to attract more investment and stabilise the already fragile economy. But Beijing must proceed with caution. (Read More...

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-99

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