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International Affairs Forum
IAF Articles: Economics

61-90 IAF Articles articles displayed
for the Economics Topic

Discussion Brief: Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Target
Discussion Brief: Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Target

Brief discusses Links to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / Post-2015 Development Framework and Role of Committee on World Food Security (CFS) & Its Stakeholders. By Mumukshu Patel. (10/01/... Read More...

Is Outdated Economics Threatening Western Civilization?
Is Outdated Economics Threatening Western Civilization?

An interview with Prof. Graciela Chichilnisky who discusses talks her life and career in academia, her work, and the need to change Economics in order to save the planet.  By C J Polychro... Read More...

The Perverse Effects of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage
The Perverse Effects of Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage

A distributed Federal Minimum Wage across states is not effective.  By Prof. Dale O. Cloninger. (03/17/2016)


Creative Economy and Bases of UNCTAD’s Creative Economy Programme as an Instrument for Growth
Creative Economy and Bases of UNCTAD’s Creative Economy Programme as an Instrument for Growth

Examination of the Creative Economy and UNCTAD’s Creative Economy Programme for growth and development.  By Giuliano Luongo. (Modern Diplomacy, 1... Read More...

The Operational Logic Underlying the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
The Operational Logic Underlying the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

An in-depth look at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. By Professor Giancarlo Elia Valori. (10/20/2015)


External Article
Monetary Policy in the United States and the ECB: The Institutional Context and Recent Policy Issues

Comparative analysis of monetary policies in the EU and U.S. By Dr. Stephen Williamson. (08/01/2009)


Islamic Finance: It’s Just that simple
Islamic Finance: It’s Just that simple

The facets of Islamic Finance explained  By Dr. Ghada Gomaa A. Mohamed. (08/07/2015)


Myanmar Booms – In Ways Good and Bad
Myanmar Booms – In Ways Good and Bad

Paper analyzes Myanmar’s transition to democracy. By Jeroen Gelsing. (07/27/2015)


Weakening Realism: Balancing Competition with Trade
Weakening Realism: Balancing Competition with Trade

Are traditional strategic models of international relations suggesting that competitive strategies are likely to dominate valid?  By Amien Kacou.(07/20/2015)  


U.S. Global Competitiveness:  A Need For Infrastructure Investment  and an Infrastructure Bank
U.S. Global Competitiveness: A Need For Infrastructure Investment and an Infrastructure Bank

U.S. infrastructure issues call for re-investment and an infrastructure bank.  By Kyle Jarmon. (07/16/2015)


The Yuan Standard; Internationalization and Impending Inclusion in SDRs
The Yuan Standard; Internationalization and Impending Inclusion in SDRs

Paper explores internationalization of the Yuan and its impending inclusion in Special Drawing Rights.  By Alex Davis.  (07/14/2015)


Refugees’ Right to Work: Economic Justification for Ideal Refugee Rights
Refugees’ Right to Work: Economic Justification for Ideal Refugee Rights

Essay asks, what are the economic impacts of refugee absorption? By M. Anela Malik. (07/02/2015)


The Negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations
The Negotiations of the United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations

Paper looks at  the negotiations to develop negotiate a United Nations Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations and lesson learned from the process and Code itself.  By Karl P. Sauva... Read More...

GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 03/16/2015
GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 03/16/2015

In this week’s GRI Risk Outlook: Nuclear talks with Iran,  possible increases in interest rates, Israeli PM Netanyahu faces reelection hiccups, and more. (Read More...

New Run in Kazakhstan?
New Run in Kazakhstan?

What do next month's elections say about Kazakhstan? By Alessandro Lundini. (Modern Diplomacy, 03/15/2015)


GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - February 2, 2015
GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - February 2, 2015

GRI’s Weekly Outlook: Turkish central bank to ease monetary policy further. Indian Reserve Bank to keep rates on hold, and Brazilian economy continues to struggle with stagflation. (Read More...

GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 01/26/2015
GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 01/26/2015

In this GRI Weekly Risk Outlook: ASEAN pushes for ‘code of conduct’ in South China Sea dispute, the Fed to maintain its current monetary policy stance, and the African Union and others ... Read More...

GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 01/19/2015
GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 01/19/2015

Read about the ECB's QE program, US sanctions on Iran and more in this week's Global Risk Insight's Weekl... Read More...

EU Court and Greek Elections May Block QE from the ECB
EU Court and Greek Elections May Block QE from the ECB

Will the ECB’s meeting on January 22nd will offer more than just talk from the bank or will Eurozone politics will get in the way? .By Luke Lott. (Read More...

The New EU Voting System – the Old West-East North-South Division
The New EU Voting System – the Old West-East North-South Division

Paper analyzes Visegrad countries’ economic policies and general EU-policies. By Prof. Attila Marján. (12/31/2014)


US-Cuba thaw stepping stone to expanded Latin America trade
US-Cuba thaw stepping stone to expanded Latin America trade

Given the shift in U.S.-Cuba relations, the April 2015 Summit of the Americas may serve as a significant stepping stone to expanded trade relations. By Brian Daigle. (Read More...

GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - December 22, 2014
GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - December 22, 2014

New U.S. consumer sentiment data to keep improving. Central Banks in Armenia and Turkey to deal with rouble and Fed policy. Second round of voting in Greek presidential elections. (Read More...

DRC and Uganda could benefit from joint oil agreement
DRC and Uganda could benefit from joint oil agreement

Presence of massive oil and gas reserves around the Lake Albert region have increased tensions between DRD and Uganda.  A joint oil agreement could be a step forward to ease them.  By Joh... Read More...

EU-China Trade Hampered by EU Divisions
EU-China Trade Hampered by EU Divisions

The unbalanced China-EU business relationship can be seen as the outcome of a divided EU and an opportunistic China. But there is scope for improvement. By Nicolas Jenny. (Read More...

Putin-Modi Dimensional Meeting
Putin-Modi Dimensional Meeting

A look at the India-Russia two-day annual meeting and its possible outcomes. By Kashi N Pandita.  (12/20/2014)


Economic Transition Report on Azerbaijan:An Issue of Governance
Economic Transition Report on Azerbaijan:An Issue of Governance

Paper that studies issues facing Azerbaijan's economic transition. By Grace Mausser. (12/15/2014)


GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - December 15, 2014
GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - December 15, 2014

US Fed to give more precise details on timing of rate change at FOMC meeting on Dec 16-17. Greece announces snap elections for Dec 17, prompting stock drop. This and more in this week&rsq... Read More...

IA Forum Interview: Dr. David Phillips
IA Forum Interview: Dr. David Phillips

Dr.David Phillips discusses international development, the role of remittances, and his book, Develo... Read More...

Free Trade and International Security
Free Trade and International Security

Author compares free trade and international security. By Meicen Sun. (12/01/2014)


China creates new trade route through Nicaragua canal
China creates new trade route through Nicaragua canal

What are the implications of Nicaragua and China's plan to build a canal to rival the Panama Canal?  By Sanja Davidovic.(Read More...

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-167

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