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International Affairs Forum

Around the World, Across the Political Spectrum

The Impact of Global Terrorism and the International Community's Response


Global terrorism has been a major threat to peace and security across the world. It has impacted various regions differently and has had far-reaching consequences on a global scale. Terrorists are considered to be the masters of mind control. Despite the fact that they only murder a small number of individuals, they are able to terrorize billions of people and disturb powerful governmental institutions like the European Union or the US.

Fear used as a tool by the Terrorists:

Since September 11, 2001, terrorists have killed up to 25,000 people worldwide (mostly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and, Syria), with roughly 50 in the European Union, 10 in the United States, and seven in China per year. In comparison, roughly 80,000 Europeans, 40,000 Americans, 270,000 Chinese, and a total of 1.25 million people are killed in automobile accidents annually. Up to 3.5 million people die every year from diabetes and excessive blood sugar, whereas 7 million die from air pollution. Then why do governments lose elections as a result of infrequent terror acts but not as a result of ongoing air pollution, and why do people dread terrorism more than diabetes? Clearly, the major theme of terrorism is fear, and the disparity between the terrorists' actual power and the dread they are able to instill is remarkable.

The annual death toll for Israelis by terrorism reached 451 in 2002, during the height of the Palestinian terror campaign, when buses and restaurants were routinely destroyed. 542 Israelis lost their lives in automobile accidents in the same year. Numerous terrorist assaults, like the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, resulted in hundreds of fatalities. A new record was set with the 9/11 attacks, which claimed over 3000 lives. However, the cost of conventional combat dwarfs this. The number of people killed and injured in terrorist attacks in Europe since 1945, including those who belonged to nationalist, religious, leftist, and rightist groups, are far below the casualties in any number of minor World War One battles, like the Third Battle of Aisne (250,000 casualties) or the Tenth Battle of Isonzo (100,000 casualties) (225,000).

Terrorist incidents such as 9/11 have not only impacted Middle East and Western states but also South Asia; specifically, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Impact of global terrorism on South Asia; a case study of Pakistan:

South Asia has been greatly impacted by terrorism, with countries like Pakistan bearing the brunt of the violence. In Pakistan, terrorism has had far-reaching consequences on the stability and security of the country.

One notable example of the impact of terrorism in Pakistan is the Mumbai attacks of 2008. On November 26, 2008, a group of terrorists from Pakistan carried out coordinated attacks in Mumbai, India, killing over 160 people and injuring hundreds more. The attacks brought relations between India and Pakistan to a new low, as India accused Pakistan of being involved in the planning and execution of the attacks.

The Mumbai attacks had a profound impact on Pakistan's stability and security, as it led to increased international pressure and scrutiny of the country. The attacks also led to a heightened sense of insecurity among the public, and sparked anti-Pakistan sentiment in India, causing further destabilization in the region.

In addition to the Mumbai attacks, terrorism in Pakistan has led to widespread violence and instability, causing a humanitarian crisis in the country. It has also hindered economic growth and development, as foreign investment and tourism have declined due to security concerns.

Overall, terrorism in South Asia, and specifically in Pakistan, has had a profound impact on the stability and security of the region. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach, including increased intelligence sharing and international cooperation, as well as addressing the root causes of terrorism, such as poverty and political instability.

Steps taken by international community to counter global terrorism:

The international community has taken several steps to address the issue of global terrorism:

Counter-terrorism cooperation: International organizations like the United Nations (UN) and the European Union (EU) have established mechanisms for increased cooperation and intelligence sharing between countries to combat terrorism.

Military action: In some cases, the international community has taken military action against terrorist organizations, such as the US-led coalition against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

Sanctions and financial measures: International organizations have imposed economic sanctions and other financial measures against individuals, groups, and countries that support terrorism.

Addressing the root causes: The international community recognizes the importance of addressing the root causes of terrorism, such as poverty, political instability, and lack of access to education and basic services.

Encouraging dialogue: The international community has encouraged dialogue and conflict resolution, especially in regions affected by terrorism, to address the underlying issues and prevent the spread of terrorism.

Countering violent extremism (CVE): The international community has launched efforts to counter violent extremism through the promotion of education, tolerance, and community engagement.

Overall, the international community has taken several steps to address the issue of global terrorism, including increased cooperation and intelligence sharing, military action, sanctions and financial measures, addressing root causes, encouraging dialogue, and countering violent extremism. However, the

challenge of terrorism remains complex, and requires sustained and coordinated efforts by the international community to address effectively.

Recommendations to counter global terrorism:

Here are some recommendations to counter global terrorism:

Improve international cooperation: The international community should enhance its cooperation and intelligence sharing efforts to better track and prevent acts of terrorism.

Address root causes: Addressing poverty, political instability, and other root causes of terrorism should be a priority in order to reduce the threat of terrorism.

Counter violent extremism: The international community should focus on countering violent extremism by promoting education, tolerance, and community engagement, as well as addressing the underlying factors that contribute to radicalization.

Strengthen national and regional security: Countries should improve their national security measures, including border security, to prevent the movement of terrorists across borders.

Encourage dialogue: The international community should encourage dialogue and conflict resolution in regions affected by terrorism to reduce tensions and prevent further violence.

Provide humanitarian assistance: The international community should provide assistance to the victims of terrorism, including refugees and those displaced by violence.

Implement sanctions: The international community should implement economic sanctions and other financial measures against individuals, groups, and countries that support terrorism.

Support the rule of law: The international community should support the rule of law and ensure that those who engage in acts of terrorism are held accountable for their actions.

These recommendations are not exhaustive, but provide a starting point for the international community to effectively counter the threat of global terrorism. Implementing these measures will require sustained and coordinated efforts, as well as a commitment to address the underlying issues that contribute to terrorism.


Overall, global terrorism has had a profound impact on regional stability and security. It has caused widespread violence, destabilization, and has hindered economic growth in many regions. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach, including increased intelligence sharing and international cooperation.

Amara Malik is an undergraduate of NDU, pursuing her degree in BS IR. Her areas of interest are South Asian politics, atrocities held there, and the role of great powers and International Organizations.



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