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International Affairs Forum
IAF Articles: Americas

31-60 IAF Articles articles displayed
for the Americas Region

Corruption – Security: Forging U.S. Strategy
Corruption – Security: Forging U.S. Strategy

In this special excerpt from the latest issue of International Affairs Forum, co-founder of Tr... Read More...

Discussion Brief: Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Target
Discussion Brief: Sustainable Agricultural Productivity Target

Brief discusses Links to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / Post-2015 Development Framework and Role of Committee on World Food Security (CFS) & Its Stakeholders. By Mumukshu Patel. (10/01/... Read More...

The Right to Know: Media Coverage, Election, and Informed Voting in Democracies
The Right to Know: Media Coverage, Election, and Informed Voting in Democracies

Short paper asks, What should the media cover to help people know better about candidates and make informed voting decisions during electoral campaigns?  By Dr. Mohammed Al-Azdee. (07/07/... Read More...

Privacy I(n)t Context
Privacy I(n)t Context

Privacy has long been protected, but will face a new dimension of protection for the generations to come. By Dr. Jasna Cošabic. (04/26/2016)


IA Forum Interview: Prof. James B. Hathaway discusses migration and international law
IA Forum Interview: Prof. James B. Hathaway discusses migration and international law

In this excerpt from the latest issue of International Affairs Forum, Professor James B. Hathaway discusses the... Read More...

Migration and Statelessness: New Issue of International Affairs Forum Now Available
Migration and Statelessness: New Issue of International Affairs Forum Now Available

The new issue of International Affairs Forum is now available. It focuses on Migration and Statelessness, with interviews and essays from a myriad of contributors from around the world, spanning ac... Read More...

Chile & New Zealand: A Comparative Study in  Environmental Policy
Chile & New Zealand: A Comparative Study in Environmental Policy

Following New Zealand’s model, paper suggests Chile adopt policies to address environmental impact of business activity and non-renewable energy production. By Matt Josey. (07/26/20... Read More...

Pena De Muerte En Guatemala: Primeros Pasos Para Su Abolicion
Pena De Muerte En Guatemala: Primeros Pasos Para Su Abolicion

David Dávila sostiene que la generación de voluntad política es el tercer paso necesario para lograr la abolición de la pena de muerte en Guatemala.  Por: Lic. Davi... Read More...

Capital Punishment in Guatemala:  The First Steps to Abolition
Capital Punishment in Guatemala: The First Steps to Abolition

Political will needed in order to achieve abolition of the death penalty in Guatemala. By David Augusto Dávila Navarro. (07/22/2015)


How Did the Advent of Nuclear Weapons Change Security Thinking and Strategy?
How Did the Advent of Nuclear Weapons Change Security Thinking and Strategy?

Paper analyzes security and strategic thinking since the advent of nuclear weapons. By Torgeir Pande Braathen. (07/21/2015)


Universal Abolition of Capital Punishment is Drawing Nearer
Universal Abolition of Capital Punishment is Drawing Nearer

Analysis of trends pointing to universal abolishment of the death penalty. By Prof. William A. Schabas. (07/02/2015)


Refugees’ Right to Work: Economic Justification for Ideal Refugee Rights
Refugees’ Right to Work: Economic Justification for Ideal Refugee Rights

Essay asks, what are the economic impacts of refugee absorption? By M. Anela Malik. (07/02/2015)


Summer 2015 Issue of International Affairs Forum Now Available
Summer 2015 Issue of International Affairs Forum Now Available

The latest issue of International Affairs Forum is now available online.

This issue focuses on Capital Punishment Around the World.

Contributors include Prof. Roger Hood, Prof. ...

Progress Made for Worldwide Abolishment of Death Penalty
Progress Made for Worldwide Abolishment of Death Penalty

Data and analysis from the Fifth Edition of The Death Penalty: A Worldwide Perspective show that an increasing number of countries are abolishing th... Read More...

Technology as a Means to Improving Access to Education
Technology as a Means to Improving Access to Education

Online education is an important avenue for citizens in emerging countries to help development.  By Polina Bayramova.  (05/14/2015)


IA Forum Interview: Sirin Koprucu discusses global business strategy
IA Forum Interview: Sirin Koprucu discusses global business strategy

IA Forum interview with global business strategy expert, Sirin Koprucu, who will be leading a session at the upcoming Ass... Read More...

GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 03/16/2015
GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 03/16/2015

In this week’s GRI Risk Outlook: Nuclear talks with Iran,  possible increases in interest rates, Israeli PM Netanyahu faces reelection hiccups, and more. (Read More...

Interview with Mark Towery, Geo Strategy Partners
Interview with Mark Towery, Geo Strategy Partners

Mark Towery, Managing Director of Geo Strategy Partners, discusses how organizations should embrace strategic planning to compete in today's dynamic, hypercompetitive market.  (03/04/... Read More...

World Bank - East Asia Urban Data Competition
World Bank - East Asia Urban Data Competition

The World Bank invites researchers, academics, designers, students, and practitioners from around the world to explore and use the World Bank’s recently released dataset on urban spatial expa... Read More...

GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 01/26/2015
GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 01/26/2015

In this GRI Weekly Risk Outlook: ASEAN pushes for ‘code of conduct’ in South China Sea dispute, the Fed to maintain its current monetary policy stance, and the African Union and others ... Read More...

Industry Interests Could Pave a Rocky Political Path for US-Cuba Relations
Industry Interests Could Pave a Rocky Political Path for US-Cuba Relations

Pressures from major interest groups that would stand to benefit from closer U.S.-Cuba trade ties could help facilitate the political process. By Brian Daigle. (Read More...

GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 01/19/2015
GRI’s Weekly Risk Outlook - 01/19/2015

Read about the ECB's QE program, US sanctions on Iran and more in this week's Global Risk Insight's Weekl... Read More...

US-Cuba thaw stepping stone to expanded Latin America trade
US-Cuba thaw stepping stone to expanded Latin America trade

Given the shift in U.S.-Cuba relations, the April 2015 Summit of the Americas may serve as a significant stepping stone to expanded trade relations. By Brian Daigle. (Read More...

GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - December 22, 2014
GRI Weekly Risk Outlook - December 22, 2014

New U.S. consumer sentiment data to keep improving. Central Banks in Armenia and Turkey to deal with rouble and Fed policy. Second round of voting in Greek presidential elections. (Read More...

IA Forum Interview: Scott Hickie discusses health corruption
IA Forum Interview: Scott Hickie discusses health corruption

IA Forum interview with Scott Hickie (Senior Analyst, Open Brieifing) who diiscusses corruption in the health sector.  Interview by Madison J. Myers.  (12/19/2014)


Latin America Sees Second Leftist Wave
Latin America Sees Second Leftist Wave

In 2014, there were presidential elections in El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, and Uruguay, with right-of-center and pro-business parties losing every contest.  Wher... Read More...

Cyber-Terrorism: Fact or Fiction?
Cyber-Terrorism: Fact or Fiction?

Author argues cyber-terrorism remains more a product of fear mongering than concrete reality –– at least for the moment. By Sebastian J. Bae. (07/22/2014)


Children at the Border: Refugees from the Drug War?
Children at the Border: Refugees from the Drug War?

Analysis of problems faced by children immigrating to the US as a result of the Drug War.  By Dr. Lynn Holland.  (07/08/2014)


Piracy: Can the War on the Seas Ever Be Won?
Piracy: Can the War on the Seas Ever Be Won?

The current state solution models, focusing on military deterrence, have proven questionably effective in combating piracy, merely displacing it more than solving it.  By Sgt. Sebastian J... Read More...

IA Forum Student Writing Award Winners Announced
IA Forum Student Writing Award Winners Announced

Winners of the Spring 2014 International Affairs Student Award Competition announced!


1-30 | 31-60 | 61-78

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