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International Affairs Forum
Social Media: Economics: Globalization

1-30 Social Media articles displayed
for the Economics/Globalization Topic

How can you scale and sustain education initiatives that are most effective at improving learning for all? A new… https://t.co/8iOBUf6MyU

— Jenny Perlman (JennyPerlman) 10/18/2021
Jenny Perlman
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/18/2021)

Excellent lesson from history indeed @AxelVT_WB, exemplifying Winston Churchill: “the farther back we look, the far… https://t.co/FwzwU4jCp5

— Aloysius Ordu (Aloysiusordu) 10/18/2021
Aloysius Ordu
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/18/2021)

Join us on Wednesday to explore how differently experiences of educational assessment in COVID era are informing o… https://t.co/yIeBPMY3VD

— Esther Care (Care_Esther) 10/17/2021
Esther Care
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/17/2021)

Well documented and argued @BrookingsGlobal similar trends in Pakistan too @itacecorg @ASERPAKISTAN #CovidStudy2021! https://t.co/QxH9o13cis

— Baela Raza Jamil (BaelaJamil) 10/16/2021
Baela Raza Jamil
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/16/2021)

It would be easy but incorrect to interpret recent rapid advances in green technologies as making emissions reducti… https://t.co/8QxubzeqaH

— Project Syndicate (ProSyn) 10/15/2021
Project Syndicate
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/15/2021)

3+ years ago, @CAMFED, @BrookingsGlobal & local partners embarked on participatory research implementing, adapting,… https://t.co/uwZryfoJg6

— Rebecca Winthrop (RebeccaWinthrop) 10/15/2021
Rebecca Winthrop
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/15/2021)

3+ years ago, @CAMFED, @BrookingsGlobal & local partners embarked on participatory research implementing, adapting,… https://t.co/cHGjaNwwfA

— Jenny Perlman (JennyPerlman) 10/15/2021
Jenny Perlman
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/15/2021)

The increasing imminence of the climate threat means that frontloading mitigation efforts to reach net-zero emissio… https://t.co/RF1xZwuT18

— Project Syndicate (ProSyn) 10/15/2021
Project Syndicate
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/15/2021)

I always love a debate! We will get one at this @BrookingsGlobal event next week on 10/20. Hot, difficult topic...w… https://t.co/2DfoAozrEa

— Rebecca Winthrop (RebeccaWinthrop) 10/14/2021
Rebecca Winthrop
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/14/2021)

The green revolution boosted food grain yields in India. Technology has enormous potential to boost agricultural yi… https://t.co/fL1uNl0gkA

— Aloysius Ordu (Aloysiusordu) 10/14/2021
Aloysius Ordu
Brookings Globalization - Twitter (10/14/2021)

Economic reforms in Azerbaijan: new platform for public-private dialogue
Economic reforms in Azerbaijan: new platform for public-private dialogue

Economic reforms in Azerbaijan look promising for its economic development, sustainability and attracting FDI.  By Dr. Shaig Adigozalov. (09/16/2019)


Economic Nationalism and Liberalism: realities in the global political economy
Economic Nationalism and Liberalism: realities in the global political economy

Essay explores the apparent contradictory co-existence of free trade and protectionism in the international political economy. By Karen Ka Luan Woo. (09/07/2017)


The Yuan Standard; Internationalization and Impending Inclusion in SDRs
The Yuan Standard; Internationalization and Impending Inclusion in SDRs

Paper explores internationalization of the Yuan and its impending inclusion in Special Drawing Rights.  By Alex Davis.  (07/14/2015)


Europe – Syriza-ize or Syria-nize
Europe – Syriza-ize or Syria-nize

Europe and the Greek criis.  By Prof. Anis H. Bajrektarevic. (07/12/2015)


External Article
Rio+20: understanding the present in the light of the future.
Understanding the present in the light of the past, we see only the problems, resulting in gloom. But understanding the present in the light of the future compels us to evolve and see the opportunitie... Read More...

External Article
A Global New Deal
Public’s tolerance for economic policies that do not reduce unemployment has collapsed, says Jomo Kwame Sundaram, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development (Project Syndicate, 05/22/2012... Read More...

External Article
Complexity and Collapse
Imperial collapse may come much more suddenly than many historians imagine. A combination of fiscal deficits and military overstretch suggests that the United States may be the next empire on the prec... Read More...

External Article
Netanyahu and the sanctioning of Iran
Thomas Evans asks why Israel looks unlikely to gain support for energy sanctions against Iran. (OpenDemocracy, 02/25/2010) Read More...

External Article
Confronting the Long Crisis of Globalization: Risk, Resilience and International Order
Alex Evans, Bruce Jones and David Steven discuss risks to the process of globalization and new ideas on how to make it ‘more resilient’. (Brookings Institution, 01/26/2010) Read More...

IA-Forum Interview: Dr. Kamal El Kheshen
IA-Forum Interview: Dr. Kamal El Kheshen
Dr. Kamal El Kheshen, Vice President of the African Development Bank discussses the trade-off between climate change policies and economic growth policies in Africa. By M. Patel. (12/10/2009) Read More...

External Article
The Yuan Underrated, China Overrated
America is driven by innovation. China, running like a madman, still lags far behind on this issue and relies more heavily on industry and agriculture. China needs to change, in order to let its peop... Read More...

External Article
China Praised for African Links
Rwandan President praises the way Africa does business in Africa as a way of promoting infrastructure, capital inflows, and development, as opposed to U.S. foreign aid. (BBC News October 11, 2009) Read More...

External Article
The Dragon in the Backyard
Article detailing Latin America's shift in economic relations toward China, Iran and the Global South and away from the United States. (The Economist, 8/13/2009) Read More...

External Article
A Global Recovery Needs A Global Response
It is time to begin the restructuring of our global economic and financial system, in ways that ensure that the fruits of prosperity are more widely shared and that the system is more stable. By Josep... Read More...

Climate Smart Aid Is Anything But
Climate Smart Aid Is Anything But
International organizations like the World Bank and the UN are supposed to help the world’s poor. Fully convinced about doing good by curbing carbon emissions, they are pushing an anti-development age... Read More...

External Article
To Recover, We Must Abide By Classical Principles
Author argues that classical economics- not its modern counterpart- offers the best route out of the current financial crisis. By David Ranson (Real Clear Markets, 04/28/2009) Read More...

What the World Needs from the London Summit
What the World Needs from the London Summit
A look ahead at the G20 Summit and an analysis of what it is hoped will be gained from it. By Andrew Pickering. (IA-Forum, 03/30/2009) Read More...

IA-Forum Interview: Dr. Dennis de Tray
IA-Forum Interview: Dr. Dennis de Tray
IA Forum discusses issues surrounding the World Bank/IMF with Dr. Dennis de Tray, Vice President at the Center for Global Development. (IA-Forum, 4/20/2007) Read More...

External Article
Dialogue Radio: #698 Globalization: The Goal that Failed
Interview with John Ralston Saul. He describes what he sees as the overemphasis of self-interest in policy and politics. He explains how this has led to a climate of managerial policies instead of lea... Read More...

IA-Forum Interview: Josephine Osikena
IA-Forum Interview: Josephine Osikena
IA-Forum speaks with Josephine Osikena, Programme Manager for Democracy and Development at the Foreign Policy Centre, about the upcoming elections in West Africa. By J. Young and Sarah Knudsen. (IA-... Read More...

1-30 | 31-60 | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-150 | 151-157

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