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International Affairs Forum
Social Media: Hotspots

1171-1200 Social Media articles displayed
for the Hotspots Topic

External Article
Women hold the key
Women are the key to this upcoming Iranian election. Since the Revolution of ’79, Iran’s women have becoming increasingly better educated and have gained the right to vote. They will be a very power... Read More...

External Article
Hold the boos for Khatami
Even though outgoing Iranian President Mohammad Khatami has been routinely criticized as a failure in the United States, if one simply looks at some of his accomplishments one will see his reign wasn’... Read More...

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Iran’s giant question: To vote or not to vote
The question regarding the Iranian elections is not “who will win?,” but rather who will vote? Many reformists in Iran see the election as fraud and therefore are urging the populace to boycott votes... Read More...

External Article
Iran's sham election
The Iranian elections are a complete sham. All the candidates are basically the same, and the ruling Guardian Council has basically ensured who will win. (Jerusalem Post, Free Registration Req. 15/0... Read More...

External Article
Iran Said To Admit Tests On Path To Atom Arms
An IAEA official stated that Iran has admitted to continuing a plutonium development program, as long as five years after it claimed to have stopped such programs, after being confronted with laborato... Read More...

External Article
Bush Aides Report 'Increasing Doubts' North Korea Will Give Up Nuclear Arms Program
The top Bush administration negotiators for the North Korean nuclear issue appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and stated that they were increasingly doubtful that North Korea would... Read More...

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Beyond ayatollahs
The upcoming elections in Iran could lead to a critical change in current Iranian-American relations. While Iranian democracy is far from a perfect western liberal democracy, these elections will det... Read More...

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A Not So Totalitarian Iran
Contrary to Condoleezza Rice, Iran is not a totalitarian state. Why there is still along ways to go before Iran establishes a true democracy, the theocracy is slowly making the transition. By Chris... Read More...

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Another gambit: U.S. should hold firm with North Korea
The United States must tread very carefully in dealing with North Korea’s constant inconsistency. The US must be very careful to avoid rewarding the rogue Communism, but must not tread to heavily on ... Read More...

External Article
South Korea, U.S. Differ On 'Strategic Flexibility'
A South Korean top security official states that U.S. President Bush and South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun disagreed on the concept of "strategic flexibility" for U.S. troops stationed in South Kore... Read More...

External Article
Hungry, and getting desperate
The food shortage in North Korea is reaching crisis levels. Worse yet the World Food Program, one of the only sources of food aid in the small communist state, is running out of donations. By Tony ... Read More...

IA-Forum Interview: Mohsen Sazegara
IA-Forum Interview: Mohsen Sazegara
IA-Forum speaks with Mr. Mohsen Sazegara, Iranian reformist and supporter of a referendum to change the Iranian Constitution. By Dimitri Neos. (IA-Forum, 5/17/2005) Read More...

External Article
In Iran: Hope battles apathy
Politics of violence can mean politics as usual in Iran. But the cuts and black eye sustained by reform strategist Behzad Nabavi - attacked by 30 hard-line militants last Thursday in the holy city of ... Read More...

External Article
Are we nuts over nukes in N. Korea
The author argues that reconciliation between the two Koreas is preferable to armed conflict on the peninsula, and that the US should start pushing for such changes. By Al Neuharth (USA Today, 10/06/... Read More...

External Article
Getting Around Pyongyang's Hard-Liners
The author claims that Kim Jung Il is not the true power in North Korea, and that there is currently a division in the state between pragmatists and nationalist hardliners. Therefore the United State... Read More...

External Article
Alliance lacks solidarity in handling North Korean nuclear crisis
The Japanese-South Korean-American alliance against North Korea is very shaky, due to a lack of solidarity against the rogue communist state. If, however, a non-military way to solve this conflict is... Read More...

External Article
Europe and Russia on post-Soviet territory: before and after referendums
The author argues that the recent failure of the French and Dutch to pass the EU constitution referendum is a sign that the EU alliance is failing. He goes on to predict that many Eastern European na... Read More...

External Article
Dubious spin on North Korea
Democrats need to stop blaming President Bush for the ongoing problem with North Korea. President Bush, the article claims, has done no worse than President Clinton. (The Washington Times, 09/06/05) Read More...

External Article
The Right Path to Arab Democracy
Albright and Weber recommend a democratic evolution, not a revolution, in the Middle East. Middle Eastern leaders should outline clear paths to reform, with benchmarks along the way. By Madeleine Albr... Read More...

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Conflict is not an option
Henry A. Kissinger argues that the US does not need a conflict with China. Just because China is rising, it does not mean that they are going to become a imperialist threat. By Henry A Kissinger (In... Read More...

External Article
N.K. nukes and ROK-U.S. alliance
The current North Korea crisis, if handled properly could squash anti-American sentiments in South Korea and strengthen the two states' alliance. Yet if handled poorly, the foundation of the alliance... Read More...

External Article
Gauging N.K. rationality
Since President Bush's use of "Mr." (which can be translated in Korean as "Teacher") North Korea has proved more willing to work with the US. Now the US must take advantage of the situation, before N... Read More...

External Article
Crazy aunt heard from
Argues that the US can not continue to ship North Korea food aid, at least not in the way previously done. Since North Korea leaders and military take most of the aid for themselves, the US must find... Read More...

External Article
An international food fight?
Article states that calling Kim Jung Il "Mr." is only an excuse, not the real reason why North Korea suddenly wants peace talks. The real reason North Korea wants to work with the US is the US's thre... Read More...

External Article
Making China an enemy
The article argues that escalating tensions with China, benefit no one; especially not Taiwan. Therefore the article begs that Washington and Beijing avoid a tense rivalry. (The China Post, 08/06/05... Read More...

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North Korea agreement to return to talks is only first step on long road
Getting North Korea back to the negotiating tables will only be the begining of a long process that will test the limits of the US's Asian alliances and American influence over China. By Barry Schwei... Read More...

External Article
Fighting Blind in Iraq
The author writes the Iraqi insurgency and the American-led counterinsurgency is essentially an intelligence war, with each side needing in-depth information on the other to stage successful attacks. ... Read More...

External Article
'Mr. Kim'
The author claims that the idea that North Korea is having bilateral talks with the US simply over the usage of President Bush's "Mr. Kim Jung Il" is silly. North Korea is desperate for economic aid,... Read More...

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Six-Way Talks at Crossroads
Following the recent bilateral meeting between the US and North Korea, a glimmer of hope has emerged that a peaceful outcome might happen. But, the US-Korea summit in Flordia may result in some inter... Read More...

External Article
China showing a knack for taking risks
The article describes how China is becoming an international “risk taker,” as President Jintao has broken face with his predecessors becoming a “President of the People.” Yet at the same time is taki... Read More...

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