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IAF Articles

451-480 IAF Articles articles displayed

Benin’s Recent Election is a Warning Sign to Democracy Everywhere
Benin’s Recent Election is a Warning Sign to Democracy Everywhere

The recent election in Benin demonstrates that, as countries begin favoring the Chinese authoritarian model of governing, the West must stand up more strongly for democratic norms. By Benjamin Pear... Read More...

A Path to Global Economic Prosperity: Economic Freedom
A Path to Global Economic Prosperity: Economic Freedom

Author discusses effects of economic freedom on economic growth and prosperity, as well as its positive effects on economic progress and success. By Renyu Gu. 05/13/2021


Eastern Europe: Energetically Marching in to the Wrong Side of History
Eastern Europe: Energetically Marching in to the Wrong Side of History

Author discusses attempts to rewrite the history of Eastern Europe during WWII and its aftermath.. By Tomislav Jakic. (05/13/2021)


Nord Stream 2: To Gain or to Refrain?
Nord Stream 2: To Gain or to Refrain?

Why Germany refuses to bend under sanctions pressure.  (05/10/2021)


Reinforcement, Flashbulb Memories, and Personality
Reinforcement, Flashbulb Memories, and Personality

Paper examines populism as a conflict-centered form of politics. By Nick Bailey. (05/04/2021)


Populism and Relative Deprivation
Populism and Relative Deprivation

Paper examines populism as a conflict-centered form of politics. By Nick Bailey. (05/04/2021)


We Shall Go on to the End
We Shall Go on to the End

Winston Churchill and the power of communication in the darkest hours of World War II. By Guanqiao Huang. 05/05/2021


Great Power Competition: What Is In It For Djibouti?
Great Power Competition: What Is In It For Djibouti?

Analyzing the impacts of Great Power Competition between the U.S. and China on developing countries such as Djibouti. By Alexander J. Teynor. (05/04/2021)


Examining Potential Steps Towards Transitional Justice in the United States
Examining Potential Steps Towards Transitional Justice in the United States

Analyzing efforts needed to successfullly implement transitional justice in the US. By Sydney Lang. (05/04/2021)


Vienna Process: Minilateralism for the future of Europe and its strategic neighbourhood
Vienna Process: Minilateralism for the future of Europe and its strategic neighbourhood

Discussing a unique approach to much needed multilateralism in Europe – diplomacy of constant, small steps – so called MINI-lateralism.  By Dr. Monika Wohlfeld.  (04/28/2021)


The Ghost of Afghanistan Past: A Challenge for the Biden Administration
The Ghost of Afghanistan Past: A Challenge for the Biden Administration

The Biden administration plans to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan by September 2021.  What are the implications?  By Etfa Khurshid Mirza.  (04/22/2021)


Interrogating hydro-environmental issues in Bangladesh-India Relations
Interrogating hydro-environmental issues in Bangladesh-India Relations

Addressing hydro-environmental issues in Bangladesh-Indian relations. By Sharif Mustajib. (04/17/2021)


Art is a Mirror of the Magnitude of Human Achievement, but also a Message of how Fragile those Achie
Art is a Mirror of the Magnitude of Human Achievement, but also a Message of how Fragile those Achie

A discussion of “From Culture for Peace to Culture of Peace”.  By Anastasiia Pachina.  (04/17/2021)


Making Strategic Planning Work: Interview with Anthony Taylor
Making Strategic Planning Work: Interview with Anthony Taylor

In this interview, Anthony Taylor, Managing Partner at SME Strategy Consulting Inc., explains the Multiple Destination Trap, developing sucessful strategi... Read More...

Strategic Planning: Interview with Prof. Pierre Hadaya
Strategic Planning: Interview with Prof. Pierre Hadaya

In this interview, Professor Pierre Hadaya discusses strategic planning and the benefits of certification. (04/15/2021)


Business Strategy and Cryptocurrencies: Interview with Claudio E. Fiorillo
Business Strategy and Cryptocurrencies: Interview with Claudio E. Fiorillo

In this interview, Claudio E. Fiorillo discusses strategic planning for turbulent times, bitcoin, and cryptocurrencies. (04/14/2021)


President of Malta at the Vienna Process: No Europe without its Neighborhood
President of Malta at the Vienna Process: No Europe without its Neighborhood

The President of the Republic of Malta, Dr. George Vella, discusses Euro-Mediterranean challenges. By Eugene Matos de Lara. (04/14/2021)


Calling the Shots: State vs. Federal Government During COVID-19
Calling the Shots: State vs. Federal Government During COVID-19

Paper provides an overview of how the federal government and states enacted upon existing legislation to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. By Maha Butt. (04/12/2021)


Analyzing Strategic Planning: Interview with Dr. Nick Hadjinicolaou
Analyzing Strategic Planning: Interview with Dr. Nick Hadjinicolaou

Dr. Nick Hadjinicolaou discusses facets of strategic planning. Dr. Hadjinicolaou will be presenting at the upcoming Associat... Read More...

Vienna Process: Re-visiting and Re-thinking the Euro-MED
Vienna Process: Re-visiting and Re-thinking the Euro-MED

From the recent IFIMES Conference: Monika Wohlfeld (German Chair for Peace Studies & Conflict Prevention) and Ettore Greco (Vice-President of the European Institute for International Affairs) discu... Read More...

Discussing Strategic Planning: Interview with Dr. Alan Barlow
Discussing Strategic Planning: Interview with Dr. Alan Barlow

Dr. Alan Barlow Hamworthy Combustion Group discusses his pioneering business process model and strategic planning. Mr. Barlow will be presenting at the upcoming Association for Strategic Planning V... Read More...

Feminist IR Theory and Terrorism
Feminist IR Theory and Terrorism

Paper analyzes terrorism from a feminist IR theory lens.  By Maha Butt. (04/07/2021)


Brexit and the Future of Transatlantic Relations: Decoupling or Recalibration
Brexit and the Future of Transatlantic Relations: Decoupling or Recalibration

Brexit, EU-UK disputes, and transatlantic dynamics.  By Sinisa Ljepojevic. (04/02/2021)


Resolving the Farmer-Herder Crisis in Nigeria
Resolving the Farmer-Herder Crisis in Nigeria

Author analyzes Nigeria's Farmer-Herder crisis, potential impacts, and a potential resolution.  By Osarodion Izevbigie. (04/01/2021)


PDF document
Continuity in Times of Crises: UNIDO partnering the Vienna Process

The role of the United Nations Specialised Agencies in the times of crises (with a due reference to the SDGs).  By Uulkan Burkanova. (03/29/2021)


Vienna Process for the Greening of Eurasia
Vienna Process for the Greening of Eurasia

Examing the ongoing talks and possible actions about the New Green Deal that occupies agendas of the EU, US and major international organisations. By Chloé Bernadaux. (03/31/2021)


Towards a Psychodynamic Theory of Corruption
Towards a Psychodynamic Theory of Corruption

Focusing on India, this paper presents a psychodynamic theory of corruption.. By J Mac Ghlionn. 03/30/2021


Of the North Stream 2 and Trans-Atlantic Esteem, too
Of the North Stream 2 and Trans-Atlantic Esteem, too

Can there be a trans-Atlantic rift related to the so-called Nord Stream pipeline?  Essay discusses this and general energy security issues in Europe.  By Matthias E Leitner.  (03/23/2021)


No EU Green Deal without balanced approach to Energy and Transport
No EU Green Deal without balanced approach to Energy and Transport

From the recent IFIMES event, a discussion of the EU Green Deal.  By Audrey Beaulieu. (03/19/2021)


China’s Self-Strengthening Movement and Japan’s Meiji Restoration
China’s Self-Strengthening Movement and Japan’s Meiji Restoration

Essay examines the similarities and differences between China and Japan’s decision to modernize when both Asian states were under threat of growing Western influence. By Guanqiao Huang. 03/17/2021<... Read More...

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