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IAF Articles

871-900 IAF Articles articles displayed

Islamic Finance: It’s Just that simple
Islamic Finance: It’s Just that simple

The facets of Islamic Finance explained  By Dr. Ghada Gomaa A. Mohamed. (08/07/2015)


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Response Comment: Medical Ethics, Globalization, and the Decline of Lethal Injection

Comments in response to piece in International Affairs Forum issue, Medical Ethics, Globalization, and the Decline of Lethal... Read More...

Race and the Death Penalty: Interview with Prof. Jeffrey Kirchmeier
Race and the Death Penalty: Interview with Prof. Jeffrey Kirchmeier

Prof. Jeffrey Kirchmeier discusses racial discrimation in sentencing capital punishment cases. (08/04/2015)


The Concept of Soft Power: A Critical Analysis
The Concept of Soft Power: A Critical Analysis

Paper seeks to find the utility of soft power, which turns out to be having strategic motive and agenda behind it. By Abhinav Dutta. (08/01/2015)


The Power of Geopolitical Discourse
The Power of Geopolitical Discourse

Reflections on geography and popular culture in geopolitics. By Diego Solis. (Moder... Read More...

President Mohammadu Buhari and the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Nigeria: No Promises Yet
President Mohammadu Buhari and the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Nigeria: No Promises Yet

Article provides historial context for supporting the call by the Nigerian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies that the death penalty be abolished in Nigeria.  By Benson Chinedu Olugbuo.... Read More...

Myanmar Booms – In Ways Good and Bad
Myanmar Booms – In Ways Good and Bad

Paper analyzes Myanmar’s transition to democracy. By Jeroen Gelsing. (07/27/2015)


Chile & New Zealand: A Comparative Study in  Environmental Policy
Chile & New Zealand: A Comparative Study in Environmental Policy

Following New Zealand’s model, paper suggests Chile adopt policies to address environmental impact of business activity and non-renewable energy production. By Matt Josey. (07/26/20... Read More...

P5+1, Iran-US Cooperation, and the Future of Iraq
P5+1, Iran-US Cooperation, and the Future of Iraq

Paper explores P5+1 implications. By Jill Ricotta. (07/28/2015)


Sentencing Juveniles in the United States
Sentencing Juveniles in the United States

Reform policies underway for juvenile sentencing in the U.S. By James Lee Dold. (07/29/2015)


Saudi Arabia: The Forgotten Land  of the Arab Spring
Saudi Arabia: The Forgotten Land of the Arab Spring

Paper seeks to explain the underlying reasons for the Saudi government’s success in maintaining power throughout the Arab Spring. By Numan Aksoy. (07/22/2015)


Pena De Muerte En Guatemala: Primeros Pasos Para Su Abolicion
Pena De Muerte En Guatemala: Primeros Pasos Para Su Abolicion

David Dávila sostiene que la generación de voluntad política es el tercer paso necesario para lograr la abolición de la pena de muerte en Guatemala.  Por: Lic. Davi... Read More...

Capital Punishment in Guatemala:  The First Steps to Abolition
Capital Punishment in Guatemala: The First Steps to Abolition

Political will needed in order to achieve abolition of the death penalty in Guatemala. By David Augusto Dávila Navarro. (07/22/2015)


Collective Inaction: Constraints of National Designs in the Continuing Struggles of EU Environmental
Collective Inaction: Constraints of National Designs in the Continuing Struggles of EU Environmental

Paper examines issues surroundng European Union environmental policies. By Roland Gawlitta. (07/23/2015)


Weakening Realism: Balancing Competition with Trade
Weakening Realism: Balancing Competition with Trade

Are traditional strategic models of international relations suggesting that competitive strategies are likely to dominate valid?  By Amien Kacou.(07/20/2015)  


U.S. Global Competitiveness:  A Need For Infrastructure Investment  and an Infrastructure Bank
U.S. Global Competitiveness: A Need For Infrastructure Investment and an Infrastructure Bank

U.S. infrastructure issues call for re-investment and an infrastructure bank.  By Kyle Jarmon. (07/16/2015)


China is What States Make of It: Evaluating the Possibility of “Peaceful Rise”
China is What States Make of It: Evaluating the Possibility of “Peaceful Rise”

Paper evaluates the potential for China’s peaceful rise within the rubric of Alexander Wendt’s constructivist theory. By Barcley Bram Shoemaker. (07/14/2015)


The Yuan Standard; Internationalization and Impending Inclusion in SDRs
The Yuan Standard; Internationalization and Impending Inclusion in SDRs

Paper explores internationalization of the Yuan and its impending inclusion in Special Drawing Rights.  By Alex Davis.  (07/14/2015)


How Did the Advent of Nuclear Weapons Change Security Thinking and Strategy?
How Did the Advent of Nuclear Weapons Change Security Thinking and Strategy?

Paper analyzes security and strategic thinking since the advent of nuclear weapons. By Torgeir Pande Braathen. (07/21/2015)


Climate Change Related Warming Impacts on Food and Social Factors in the Arctic
Climate Change Related Warming Impacts on Food and Social Factors in the Arctic

Paper explores the connection between climate change related warming impacts with food and social factors in the Arctic region. By Monique Baskin. (07/16/2015)


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The Challenges and Solutions of PPPs in Fragile Countries and Conflict Affected Areas

Paper looks at Public-Private Partnerships in fragile countries and those recovering from conflicts.  By Adiat Aliu Abiodun.  (07/10/2015)


Globalization and Nationalism in China
Globalization and Nationalism in China

Paper explores the growing concern about nationalism in China. By Ying Chen.  (07/08/2015)


Interview with Glenn Ford, Exonerated Death Row Inmate, Louisiana State Penitentiary (“Angola”)
Interview with Glenn Ford, Exonerated Death Row Inmate, Louisiana State Penitentiary (“Angola”)

Interview with Glenn Ford, Exonerated Death Row Inmate, Louisiana State Penitentiary (“Angola”); and Mr. William Most, Mr. Ford’s attorney. Interview by Katherine Lugo. (07/07/201... Read More...

Building the ‘Liberal Peace’: Contradiction and Conformity
Building the ‘Liberal Peace’: Contradiction and Conformity

Paper argues that a contradiction exists between the liberal peace concept and the practice of imposing its prescriptions through external intervention. By Ben Challis.  (07/06/2015)... Read More...

Nigeria's Wretched Politicians: A Case of Franz Fanon's Underdeveloped Bourgeoise
Nigeria's Wretched Politicians: A Case of Franz Fanon's Underdeveloped Bourgeoise

Paper examines Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth in the context of Nigeria. By Udodilim Nnamdi. (07/06/2015)


Election as Warfare
Election as Warfare

Paper examines major issue emerging from the governorship elections in Nigeria. By Dr. Azeez Olaniyan and Olumuyiwa Babatunde Amao. (07/03/2015)


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Universal Abolition of Capital Punishment is Drawing Nearer
Universal Abolition of Capital Punishment is Drawing Nearer

Analysis of trends pointing to universal abolishment of the death penalty. By Prof. William A. Schabas. (07/02/2015)


Refugees’ Right to Work: Economic Justification for Ideal Refugee Rights
Refugees’ Right to Work: Economic Justification for Ideal Refugee Rights

Essay asks, what are the economic impacts of refugee absorption? By M. Anela Malik. (07/02/2015)


Outsourcing Jihadists and Putin’s Foreign Policy
Outsourcing Jihadists and Putin’s Foreign Policy

Essay analyzes Russian terrorism policy in the Middle East and Caucasus. By Prof. Dmitry V. Shlapentokh. (07/01/2015)


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